Judi LiVigni, MS, RD, CDN
Registered Dietician
Judi is a registered dietician specializing in the treatment of eating disorders. She has been a registered dietitian since 1994 and has worked clinically in a hospital setting as well as various outpatient settings, including consulting for the New York Eating Disorder Medical Group and Eating Disorder Associates. Her treatment approach is to collaborate with the treatment team and utilize a meal rehabilitation program that best suits the client’s needs from intuitive eating to meal exchange systems.
Judi is a graduate of the University of Maryland and completed her master’s work at Long Island University, C.W. Post campus. There, she graduated with distinction receiving an academic award for her thesis work related to disordered eating. Judi is a member of the American Dietetic Association, obtaining advanced certifications in both adult and child/adolescent weight management. She is also a member of the National Eating Disorder Association, the Academy of Eating Disorders, and the International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals.